Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mentally Scarred Mouse Attack

I think that Mouse Attacks should be pasted on to Fish Slaps a Baby because it is kid friendly and it may cause kids to watch the whole series of it, and it will make Fish Slaps a Baby the ultimate website, and it will also make more kids get interested into 826NYC and also

I'm going to work on my own movie, "Cheddar Bunnies, Cheese Power: The Movie"
It's about a Cheddar Bunny, and he always gets picked on by bullies, but he gest so angry that one night he wishes he has powers to get revenge. In the morning he wakes up and has supernatural powers. In the morning when he gets to school, he realizes he has supernatural powers and ends up taking revenge. One day his supernatural powers wear off, and he ends up falling off a tall building, but firemen save him with a trampoline. When they bring him to a firetruck, he falls and his head breaks off.

Fat Dinosaur

What is it?
It’s a fat dinosaur [a toy] that can transform into an egg.

Why is it fat?
The dinosaur is fat because it eats too much.

Can you turn it back into an egg?
No. Only Sarah can do that.

Where did you find it?
I found it down stairs in a little cup at Sarah’s desk.

Who gave it to you?

No one really gave it to me. I just saw it and it gave me the idea.

How do you transform it?
Only Sarah knows.

Doomsday in the USA: A Review

The Doomsday in the USA, from 1 out of 10 is ZERO! Just kidding,10. Doomsday is a big hit, all the critics are talking about it. Everything from drama to everything. Doomsday is a good movie.